September School Board Meeting The Melvindale-Northern Allen Park Schools Board of Education will be holding a virtual board meeting Monday September 14, 2020.
Technology Tips for Families MelNAP Technology Coordinator, Austin Bright, provides tips for families experiencing technology issues with their students.
Drama Club Signup Interested in Joining Drama Club? If so, Mr. G would like to hear from you. Join google class code 5uh74ob.
Student Device Pickup Make-Up Dates If you have not picked up a device for your student, please sign up for one of out make-up dates.
MelNAP Student Help Desk If your student is having an issue with their device or account, please have them submit a Student Help Desk ticket.
Device Deployment Update Families that have not received devices for their children will be provided with detailed information on Monday, August 31st regarding make-up device pickup dates and times.
2020-2021 MHS Orientation Video Welcome back Cardinals! Please take a moment to review our 2020-21 orientation video!