Letter from the Interim Superintendent 1-3-2022

Dear Cardinal Families,

Due to the increase and significant uptick in COVID positive cases, and number of quarantines and isolations, Melvindale-Northern Allen Park Public Schools will engage in virtual learning starting on Wednesday, January 5th, 2022, and return face-to-face on Tuesday, January 18th, 2022.

Students learning virtually in a synchronous manner (devices turned on and students engaged with the teacher) will give our custodial staff an opportunity to deep clean and sanitize our buildings while they are free of most staff and all students. This will also serve as a building-wide quarantine since we would be separated from each other for 12 days. Returning on Tuesday, January 18th, 2022, would allow us to be back together in buildings with a clean slate. With this approach, any staff or student COVID contact during this time would occur from outside of the Melvindale-Northern Allen Park walls.
It is important that ALL students attend classes with their devices on, virtually, bell to bell, so that we hit our daily attendance rates. If we don’t hit the attendance rates, we run the risk of adding days to our calendar at the end of June.
Please remember that our learning must go from bell to bell.

All students will be given a device to bring home for their virtual learning experience.
The food service department will be providing breakfast and lunch 5-day meal kits via meal distribution. Any families with school aged children are welcome to participate. Please indicate how many children are in your family at the time of pick up. Meal distribution for students from ALL schools will take place at Allendale Elementary, in the bus loop during the following times:
Thursday 1/6/22: 3 PM - 5 PM
Thursday 1/13/22: 3 PM - 5 PM
On Tuesday, January 4th, 2022, students will be sent home with an additional breakfast and lunch for Wednesday, January 5th, 2022. Items provided in the meal boxes will be similar to previously distributed meal kits and may include ready-to-eat or heat and serve items.

I understand that this decision was made quickly, however, I believe it is what is best to keep our students and staff safe. Please be patient and show grace to our students and our teachers as we navigate through this time.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dr. Mary Ann Cyr
Interim Superintendent