Biology 1st Hour 2021 1st Semester Assignments

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Edpuzzle - Basic Genetics Problem Solving Non-Mendelian in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Basic Genetics Problem Solving Non-Mendelian

Do this EdPuzzle to learn more about non-Mendelian Genetics.


Edpuzzle - Basic Genetics Problem Solving Mendelian  in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Basic Genetics Problem Solving Mendelian

Do this EdPuzzle to practice Mendelian Genetics if you intend to retake the Genetics Quiz.


Non-Mendelian Genetics in Google Classroom

Non-Mendelian Genetics

1. Discussion on retaking Genetics Quiz
2. PearDeck - Non-Mendelian Genetics
3. EdPuzzle attached as a separate assignment.
C.O. SWD knowledge of patterns of inheritance that do not follow Mendel's laws by interacting with a Pear Deck lesson about non-Mendelian Genetics.
L.O. SW write to explain non-Mendelian genetic patterns using the questions provided through an EdPuzzle video lesson.


Genetic Vocabulary & Punnetts Quiz in Google Classroom

Genetic Vocabulary & Punnetts Quiz

This quiz will be given as a live Quizizz.


Practice Q for The Genetics Quiz in Google Classroom

Practice Q for The Genetics Quiz

Optional but very helpful!


Punnett Practice Pear Deck in Google Classroom

Punnett Practice Pear Deck

Due to tech issues this morning, I am asking you to keep working on the Pear Deck on your own for your Punnett Practice.
According to what I read, you can scroll through to slides # 9-14 and choose any 3 slides to work on. Make sure one of your choices is either #13 or #14.
Appreciate any feedback you provide.

Use the link to join this Pear Deck activity!


Genetics Quiz Prep in Google Classroom

Genetics Quiz Prep

Complete the attached WS to prep for this week's quiz.
****We will go over the answers before the quiz so you must have it done and submitted by the due date and time to receive credit.


Genetics Punnett Practice in Google Classroom

Genetics Punnett Practice

1. View the goals for today.
2. PearDeck Lesson: Punnett Practice
3. Genetics Quiz Prep - attached as a separate assignment.
SWD application of Punnett squares by participating in an interactive slideshow.
SW write to identify various genotypes/phenotypes using the Genetics Quiz Prep WS.


Mendelian Genetics - Vocabulary and Punnetts in Google Classroom

Mendelian Genetics - Vocabulary and Punnetts

1. Check out the goals for today.
2. Live Quizizz to practice Vocab.
3. Interactive slides
4. Vocab practice Google Doc - attached as separate assignment.
C.O. SWD application of essential vocabulary for Mendelian genetics by participating in a live Quizizz.
L.O. SW write to explain the essential vocabulary of Mendelian genetics in Punnett squares using the interactive slideshow and practice doc.


Mendelian Genetics Vocabulary Practice in Google Classroom

Mendelian Genetics Vocabulary Practice

1. Complete this practice after the lesson today.


Mendelian Genetics Lesson #2 in Google Classroom

Mendelian Genetics Lesson #2

1. Check out the Goals for today.
2. Interact with my slides during the presentation. (This slideshow will be attached later as reference material only - you will not be able to interact with the slides.)
3. Complete the practice on the interactive slides.
C.O. SWD comprehension the fundamental vocabulary of Mendelian genetics by responding to questions on a teacher-led interactive slideshow.
L.O. SW write to explain the fundamental vocabulary of Mendelian genetics using the practice problems provided in an interactive slideshow.


Genetics Lesson #1.2 in Google Classroom

Genetics Lesson #1.2

1. Open the Google Doc "Mendel & Heredity" and complete the work. Reference the Genetics Slideshow #1 as needed to assist with finding information.


Mendelian Genetics Lesson #1 in Google Classroom

Mendelian Genetics Lesson #1

1. View the "To Do" List for today.
2. Padlet: What was the purpose of Mendel's experiments? What was he seeking?
3. Slideshow
4. Mendelian Genetics #1.2 GD - located as a separate assignment in Classroom.
C.O. SWD knowledge of the origin of Mendelian Genetics by viewing an informational slideshow.
L.O SW write to explain Mendel's experiments using the questions accompanying the slideshow.


Edpuzzle - Mendel and His Experiments in Google Classroom

Edpuzzle - Mendel and His Experiments


Genetics 1.2 Family Trait Study in Google Classroom

Genetics 1.2 Family Trait Study

1. Complete the Google Doc on Family Traits.
2. Create a Google Slide to illustrate your data per the instructions.


Introduction to Mendelian Genetics in Google Classroom

Introduction to Mendelian Genetics

1. View the Lesson Introduction.
2. Open the Intro to Mendelian Genetics and proceed through the lesson.
C.O. SWD knowledge of fundamental Mendelian Genetics by viewing a video and slide notes on Genetics.
L.O. SW write to explain fundamental Mendelian Genetics using the EdPuzzle video embedded questions.


Introduction to Genetics in Google Classroom

Introduction to Genetics

1. Review the Lesson Introduction Slide
2. Open and complete the Google Form - Human Traits Survey.
3. Open and read the Instructions for your Genetics 1.2 Assignment thoroughly!
3. Open the Genetics 1.2 Assignment in Classroom.
C.O. SWD knowledge of inheritable human traits by discussing traits they have in common with family members.
L.O. SW write to explain their own traits using a google form survey.


Evolution Assessment in Google Classroom

Evolution Assessment

1.After attendance today, I will open the Evolution Test in Quizizz.
2. This is a live test and you must be present in class and must have logged into my class on Quizizz.
3. Each question has a time limit and you have 1 attempt at each question.
4. This test is designed to be finished in the time allotted for class.
5. Good Luck!


Evolution Vocab Review 1 in Google Classroom

Evolution Vocab Review 1


Evolution Assessment Review in Google Classroom

Evolution Assessment Review

1. Open the Evolution Assessment Review Document and get to work on it right away! (30 minutes)
2. Class will address any questions on the review sheet in the last 15 minutes.
C.O. SWD application of evolution unit terms and concepts on a unit review document.
L.O. SW write and speak to their understanding of evolution terms and concepts in a whole class review session.


Evolution 3-3 in Google Classroom

Evolution 3-3

1. Evolution Choice Activity
2. Review Notes.
3. Evolution Vocabulary Review.


Evolution 3-2 Choice Activity in Google Classroom

Evolution 3-2 Choice Activity

1. Open the Evolution Choice Board and complete one of the two choices provided.

C.O. SWD application of the concept of Natural Selection by participating in one choice activity.
L.O. SW write to explain the concept of N.S. using the interactive slides provided with each choice activity.


Evolution Part 3-2 Natural Selection in Google Classroom

Evolution Part 3-2 Natural Selection

1. Review & Correct the Rock Pocket Mouse Activity.
2. Complete the Student Notes Part 3.
C.O. SWD comprehension of Darwin's ideas of Natural Selection by reading the notes on the slideshow.
L.O. SW write to explain Darwin's ideas of N.S. using the guided notes that accompany the slideshow.


Evolution Part 3 in Google Classroom

Evolution Part 3

1. Type 1 Whiteboard
2. Video/Reading
3. Padlet
4. Rock Pocket Mouse Activity
C.O. SWD knowledge of natural selection by viewing videos and reading an article on the topic.
L.O. SW write to explain natural selection using a whiteboard, padlet ticket, and the data and questions in the Rock Pocket Mouse activity.


Assignment - Playlist - Adapt in Google Classroom

Assignment - Playlist - Adapt

1. Click the link attached to join the assignment.

C.O. SWD comprehension of how adaptations contribute to fitness by participating in an online learning game.


Adaptations Lab #1 in Google Classroom

Adaptations Lab #1

Labs will count as assessments!
1. Review today's goals.
2. Open Lab Document.
3. Read directions carefully!
4. Proceed to do Lab.

SWD comprehension of adaptations by observing specimen images and videos in a "lab".
SW write to explain the adaptations of 5 specimens using the lab data slides.


Evolution Unit  Part 2-2 in Google Classroom

Evolution Unit Part 2-2

1. View the Goals for today on my Bitmoji slide.
2. Video clip of Galapagos - answer question in chat.
2. Open up the interactive slideshow and complete the tasks assigned there.
3. Complete the Darwinian Diary before our next class.

C.O.: SWD application of identifying adaptations in various organisms by completing interactive slides.
L.O.: SW write to explain their understanding of adaptations in various organisms using a Darwinian Diary data collection chart.


Evolution Part 2 in Google Classroom

Evolution Part 2

1. Open up Evolution Part 2 Lesson Plan doc.
2. Review the Day 1 activities.
3. Complete the notes by the due date of 10/23 - you can turn them in or leave them. I will be checking them on the due date for completion!

C.O. SWD comprehension of biological adaptation by viewing a slideshow, a video or reading an article about specific animal adaptations.
L.O. SW write to explain biological adaptations using the whiteboard, student notes, and Slido.


Naturalist Class Observation Slideshow in Google Classroom

Naturalist Class Observation Slideshow

1. Open the attached Google Slideshow.
2. Find the slide I have assigned to you.
3. Upload your image(s) and Observation Log (chart)
4. Get ready to present!


Evolution Day 1 in Google Classroom

Evolution Day 1

1. Open Intro to Evolution Doc.
2. Do the Engage as a Type 1 right on the Doc.
3. Do the Explore portion right on the Doc.
3. Open the Introduction to Darwin's Theory Slides.
4. Open and complete the accompanying Student Notes.
5. Try to get the Apply portion done before Wednesday - it will be so helpful! Extra Credit for those who get it done! (The Naturalist Ob Log is attached as a separate assignment so you can have your own copy.)


Naturalist Observation Log in Google Classroom

Naturalist Observation Log

Use this Log for the Apply portion of Evolution Day 1.
I have provided a link from our own Mr. Pappas - "How to Upload Photos to Google Drive" so you can put them on a Google Doc, etc.


Day 2 Graphing in Google Classroom

Day 2 Graphing

1. Correct HW
2. Virtual Graphing activity
3. Google Form "Quiz"


Day 1: Exploring Graphs in Google Classroom

Day 1: Exploring Graphs

1. Live Quizizz: Pre-Quiz on Graphing
2. Google Doc
3. Post-Quiz on Graphing


Using the CER strategy with a science article in Google Classroom

Using the CER strategy with a science article

1. Open the "Bio article using the CER " doc.
2. Familiarize yourself with all the components.
3. Open the link to Newsela, read the article at your chosen level, and complete the CER article doc.


CER Strategy in Google Classroom

CER Strategy

1. View the lesson objectives on the Google Slide.
2. Open "CER Strategy Lesson #1 - we will go through this together.
3. Complete the CER assignment.


Favorite Biology Topics in Google Classroom

Favorite Biology Topics

Jump on the Jamboard and put a sticky note under your favorite topic!


Introduction to Biology in Google Classroom

Introduction to Biology

Open the link to the Google Doc and let's find out about our topics of study in Biology!


Introduce Yourself! in Google Classroom

Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to my Biology Classroom!
In this opening activity, you will create a Google Slide that introduces you to me and to the rest of your classmates.
Please open up the attached Google Doc to find the instructions and view a sample slide.


Science or Not in Google Classroom

Science or Not

Google Form link


Biology Thin Slides #1 in Google Classroom

Biology Thin Slides #1