Oral Com 3rd hour 2020 Assignments

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Final exam in Google Classroom

Final exam

Your final exam will be to tell a joke with enthusiasm! 20 pts. See the attached presentation for criteria/rubric.


Personal Anecdote in Google Classroom

Personal Anecdote

Tell a story that happened to YOU. It should have an attention getter, conflict, paraverbals, and a pantomime.

Attention getter: 1-5

Beginning, middle, and end (with a turning point): 1-5

Paraverbals (not monotone): 1-5

Pantomime: 1-5

Time (at least one minute): 1-5




Persuasive slideshare in Google Classroom

Persuasive slideshare

Create a slideshare to persuade your audience. For example: A UFO crashed at Roswell New Mexico, or Bigfoot is real, or Breaking Bad is the best show ever... Include a hook such as a question or anecdote at the beginning of the slideshare. Use a thank you slide at the end.

______ Attention getter (5)

_____ Powerpoint (10)
o Use bullet points
o 6 or less objects per slide (at least 1 picture)
o No big blocks of text /sentences
o Must be readable from a distance
o Organized
o Minimum 10 slides (2 minutes)
o Inverted text
o Thank you slide

______ Presentation (10)
o Talk to audience (do not read from PPT)
o Eye contact
o Enthusiasm (paraverbals)

Attention getters:
1. Ask a question
2. Tell a joke
3. Make a comparison
4. Visual aid
5. Tell a story (personal anecdote)
6. Comparison (simile)
7. A famous quote
8. Startling statement or fact
9. Refer to the previous speaker


Movie Review Slidshare in Google Classroom

Movie Review Slidshare

Slide 1 – Attention getter
slide 2 - Title of the movie
Slide 2.5 – Main character
Slide 3 – Additional character (s)
Slide 4 – Additional character (s)
Slide 5 – Conflict /plot
Slide 6 - Conflict /plot twist /additional characters
Slide 7 - Conflict /plot twist /additional characters
Slide 8 - Conflict /plot twist /additional characters
Slide 9 – Overall review/recommendation
(5 out of 10 rotten tomatoes)

____ Slideshare (10)
o Use bullet points
o 6 or less objects per slide (at least 1 picture)
o No big blocks of text /sentences /NO LONG CLIPS
o Must be readable from a distance
o Inverted text (dark background)

______ Presentation (10) or
o Content- characters, conflict, plot – no spoiler
o Talk to audience (not read from PPT)
o Enthusiasm (paraverbals)
o Appropriate length (2 minutes)


Visual aid speech in Google Classroom

Visual aid speech

Find an object that means something to you to give a speech about. It should have a story behind it and some importance to you. You will have to turn your camera on for this one. WE NEED TO SEE THE OBJECT.


Visual aid: 1-5
Beginning, middle, and end 1-5
Why it’s important to you: 1-5
Time (at least 1 minute ): 1-5

Content objective: Students will use a visual aid as a hook.

Language objective: Students will give a speech about an object.


Urban  / spooky story in Google Classroom

Urban / spooky story

Story telling is an important part of EVERY culture. Learning how to tell a story is important. Tell an urban legend or spooky story. Must have a beginning middle and end. Personalize it make it about you or your friends. Tell it in first person.


________Beginning, middle, and end (with a turning point): 1-5


________First person: 1-5

________Time (at least one minute): 1-5